Work experience in business aviation
More than 10 years
Aircraft operation
Lease, purchase and aircraft management requires high professionalism. We will help you make the right decision in choosing the optimal program for its operation.

Having many years of experience in the field of business aviation, we have managed to develop valuable connections with business partners in Russia, Europe, Africa, Asia, Latin America. The company has its own representatives at several airports, which allows us quickly response with ground handling of aircraft and personal assistance for passengers.
We provide a variety of operating schemes, which guarantees economic stability and flexibility. Constant monitoring and quarterly internal checks allow us to form the optimal operation of the aircraft. Taking into account the individual approach, taking into account the geography of flights and the needs of each Client, the savings in some aspects reach 15%.

What We Have
Own dispatch service 24/7
Customer support service - a personal assistant is assigned to each client, ready to answer all questions around the clock
Financial service – a personal financial manager is ready to provide information on the status of mutual settlements on a daily basis, a program for tracking and monitoring the financial condition of the aircraft has been developed
A commercial service for organizing flights on third-party aircraft (charter)
Technical support service-engineers are ready to advise at any time on the technical condition of the aircraft
Concierge department – if necessary, VIP rooms, flights on regular flights, transfers, hotels, tickets for events, flower and gift delivery, and other services will be ordered

The main functions of the company for the effective operation of a private aircraft:
- Interaction with the customer, processing of flight requests, preliminary information about possible restrictions (slots, airport operating modes, crew working hours, etc.)
- Operational control of flights
- Flight support
- Organization of aircraft base
- Crew selection and training
- Selection and training of technical personnel
- Maintain the airworthiness of the aircraft (CAMO)

- Invoices control and check
- Aircraft registration
- Coordination with an aviation register
- Working with service organizations
- Maintenance control
- Contracts arrangement
- Commercial use of the aircraft, if necessary
- Aircraft insurance
Contact Us
- +7 495 212 03 90
- +7 936 273 30 40/50
- +7 926 911 71 85
- office@jetica.ru
Send a message
143440, Moscow region, Krasnogorsiy district, Putilkovo, MKAD 69 km, MTVK Greenwood, building 7, office 91